Graph from Google Search Console showing that the markup from my plugin works

The Basic SEO plugin works markup, Open Graph meta-data and XML sitemaps are important for the performance of a website on search engines and social media.

It is easy to install some large plugin like Yoast SEO to do this, while also loading your site with a million other functions that you might or might not want.

I decided to make a minute plugin to just do and Open Graph, and I’m quite content because it works.

The RS SEO Basics plugin is just that — basic.

It has very little configuration, and will work without any.

On the other hand, if you want to do fancier markup on your site, you can do that with a simple YAML document.

In fact, you can do much more markup with this little plugin, that you can with something like Yoast SEO.

I didn’t have to implement XML Sitemaps because once I had deactivated Yoast SEO, the native WordPress sitemaps appeared. They might not be as fancy as the others, but they’ll do the job.


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